Host Families can Host not more than three people at the same time. Communication and sensitivity are the key components for a successful Host Family experience. Host Families are expected to treat the Guests as complete members of the family, indulge them in every family activity (where necessary), talk to and help them communicate in the target local languages. Host Family members must always use English around the visitors, but also encourage them to learn the local languages by engaging them in conversations.

In addition, the Host Family will:

  • Provide a friendly, comfortable and safe home and to make sure that your well-being is always considered;
  • Provide care and sensitivity to their Guests’ cultures, lifestyles, needs and preferences
  • Provide a clean room and ordinary living conditions and allow access to all the common living spaces;
  • Provide a bed, and clean beddings. A mosquito net is compulsory
  • Provide all standard meals (breakfast, lunch and supper);
  • Inform the visitors of any rules of the host family home to be followed;
  • Teach and assist the visitor to understand the basic words in the local language and how to communicate;
  • Provide a house key where necessary;
  • Collect their Guests from the pre-arranged meeting point with a warm welcome;
  • Assist their Guests to settle in by showing them around the local area and familiarise them
  • with the available transport systems and how to pay;
  • Guide their Guests to the locations of their embassies (if needed);

Your role as a visitor:

  • Make a courtesy call to the Host Family a few days prior to travelling to Uganda to inform them when you’re schedule to arrive and when they should expect you; Please make sure to call your Host Family.
  • Respect the Host Family’s home and house rules;
  • Keep your Host Family informed of your whereabouts. Please be aware that some host families have a strict policy about curfew.  To avoid unnecessary worry, please call any one of the family members in case you’re going to be home late;
  • Act responsibly and with respect. Always remember to use polite language and expressions such as Good morning/afternoon/evening, Excuse me, Please and Thank you
  • Please remember that not many Host Families members smoke. If you do smoke, we recommend that you smoke out of the house, or preferably out of the home premises altogether.


For more information, please  contact us